Sure you could travel deep in the heart of the French Quarter to get a little VooDoo!

But why not let use ship it straight to your door!

About Us

VooDoo Blast

Creole Seasoning

South Louisiana, more than any other part of the United States, holds its cuisine near and dear to its heart. The region’s cuisine is the embodiment of the cultures and traditions brought by its settlers from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and Canada and shared, neighbor to neighbor, over hundreds of years. It is in this mysterious intertwining of cultures and traditions that VOODOO’s founder finds his heritage – he is a Cajun, born and raised in South Louisiana.

It seems most have heard of Cajun and Creole cuisine, though few actually are able to recite their respective origins. Simply put, Cajun cuisine is rooted in the kitchens of rural Southern Louisiana and Creole cuisine is rooted in the more sophisticated kitchens of New Orleans. VOODOO is dedicated to bringing the best foods of Louisiana to the supermarkets and specialty shops throughout the United States and VOODOO proudly stands on these traditions.

VOODOO sells its specialty food product lines to distributors, directly to retail grocery stores, directly to other retailers and directly to consumers through its Online Store: 
